Пардон за английский текст, но дуже цикаво. Англичане де-факто признали эффективность российской информационной войны в Украине и принимают меры....
Our military’s culture has a hard time keeping pace with new technology. To say the least.
Drone operators are the red-headed stepchildren of the aviation community, and a 1st Sergeant caught a lot of flak this past December when she earned an ARCOM medal for correcting soldiers’ “unethical behavior” online.
So imagine the reaction to this — the British Army is creating a battalion of "Facebook Warriors" who will spread disinformation and propaganda through social media.
Seriously, the definition of “warrior” is changing by the minute.
The “Facebook Warriors” will take their cue (and name) from Britain's 77th battalion which, historically, conducted unconventional warfare deep behind Japanese lines in Burma between 1942 and 1945.
And these new unconventional warriors will rely on an old Soviet tactic called "reflexive control." According to Gizmodo, this means “spreading specifically curated information in order to get your opponent to react in the exact way you want them to.” This includes disseminating disinformation, real war truths, and “false flag” incidents through Facebook and Twitter.
It sounds ... unconventional, but our enemies are already using social media to their advantage, so the West is long past-due.
And Israel is way ahead of us. During Operation Cast Lead, the IDF used 30 different social media sites to “engage with an audience we otherwise wouldn't reach," according to a spokesman.
The newly rechristened 77th battalion will begin operation in April.