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Since the discovery of this video, some Russian bloggers and media have claimed that Tsemakh does not utter the word “Buk” in the bleeped-out segment, but instead the one-syllable word “khuy” (хуй), Russian for dick or dickhead. In this interpretation, he is alleged to be referring to the “dickhead” who he was “dragging out” [“прятал этот хуй”]. However, this explanation is inconsistent with the timing of the speech segment, with Russian grammar, and with the context of Tsemakh’s narrative. If Tsemakh indeed had uttered “I hid this dickhead”, in Russian he would have had to use the accusative case for animate objects [“прятал этого хуя”], which would have required 5 syllables to fit within the bleeped-out section of his interview (“..э-то-го ху-я…”). If he had uttered “I hid the Buk”, only 3 syllables (“…э-тот Бук”) would have to fit under the bleep. If Tsemakh were to say the three-syllable utterance of this phrase, it would be “прятал этот хуй” — “I hid this dick” (object), rather than the five-syllable “I hid this dickhead” (person), which while technically possible is obviously illogical for the circumstances described in the interview.